Post by carmelabcn on Jan 22, 2009 2:06:58 GMT -5
Ep. 1720 (Feb. 2)
En Iago es disposa a seguir les instruccions d'en Radovan
Iago is prepared to follow Radovan's instructions
Post by carmelabcn on Jan 25, 2009 6:09:19 GMT -5
Ep. 1723 (Febr. 6).
" En Iago troba una pista fiable d'on pot ser en Jota. Necessita ajuda per protegir en Beni."
Iago finds a reliable trail about where Jota could be. He needs aid to protect Beni.
Post by carmelabcn on Jan 30, 2009 3:13:35 GMT -5
Spoiler for Feb. 9th:
"En Beni fa un càsting i troba el cantant on menys s'esperava. En Joan ofereix ajuda a en Iago per localitzar en Jota."
Beni does a casting and finds the singer where he doesnt expect it. Joan offers help to Iago for finding Jota.
Spoiler for Feb. 10th: "En Rafa ha de decidir si accepta la proposta d'en Beni. En Iago segueix la pista que li ha donat en Joan."
Rafa has to decide if he accepts Beni's offer. Iago follows the trail given by Joan
Post by carmelabcn on Feb 1, 2009 6:54:50 GMT -5
Spoiler for Feb. 13th:
"En Iago no aconsegueix trobar en Jota, però queda molt a prop.... En Rafa té un problema de por escènica..."
Iago doesnt get to find Jota, but he's very near.... Rafa has a problem about stage fright...
Post by carmelabcn on Feb 4, 2009 8:15:25 GMT -5
Spoiler for Feb. 16th (ep. 1729): "En Radovan posa en Iago entre l'espasa i la paret."
Radovan places Iago in a life and death situation.
Spoiler for Feb. 17th (ep. 1730) "L'Hèctor proposa un pacte que fa necessària la participació d'en Sergi. En Iago l'hi explicarà. Al nòvio d'en Max el sorprèn que en Joan l'ajudi tant..."
Hector proposes an agreement in wich Sergi's participation is needed. Iago will explain it to him. Max's boyfriend is surprised by so much Joan's aid...
Post by carmelabcn on Feb 7, 2009 4:09:09 GMT -5
Spoiler for Feb. 20 (ep. 1733) A VERY IMPORTANT ONE!:
"S'ha descobert absolutament tot: l'Orpinell, en Juli, l'Àlex, en Jofre i en Gerard han quedat en evidència. La indignació s'apodera d'en Fidel, la Mercè, la Lluna i la Patrícia. Amb la col·laboració d'en Sergi, l'ajuda d'en Joan i sota les amenaces d'en Radovan, en Iago decideix pactar amb l'Hèctor" Absolutely everyting has been uncovered: Orpinell, Juli, Alex, Jofre and Gerard have been in evidence. Anger takes over Fidel, Merce, Lluna and Patricia. With Sergi's support, Joan's aid and under Radovan's threats, Iago decides to reach an agreement with Hector.
Post by carmelabcn on Feb 12, 2009 16:38:53 GMT -5
Spoiler for Feb. 24th (ep. 1735):
"En Iago i en Sergi posen en marxa el parany per atrapar en Radovan".
Iago and Sergi put into gear the trap to catch Radovan.
Spoiler for Feb. 26th (ep. 1737):
"S'activa el pla d'en Sergi i en Iago, però en Radovan és massa llest per deixar-se atrapar. Sap on pot fer mal a en Iago..."
Sergi and Iago's plan is activated, but Radovan is too much smart to let them to catch him. He knows where he can hurt Iago...
Post by carmelabcn on Feb 15, 2009 7:33:45 GMT -5
Spoiler for Feb. 27th (ep. 1738):
"En Iago ha de començar a dir mentides a tothom. La vida d'en Beni està en perill. "
Iago have to begin to tell lies to everybody. Beni's life is in danger.
Post by carmelabcn on Feb 19, 2009 15:30:03 GMT -5
Spoiler for March 3rd (ep. 1740): "Continua el segrest d'en Beni. En Iago només veu una solució, però l'Hèctor s'ensuma la traïció."
Beni's kidnap follows. Iago only sees a solution, but Hector intuits the treachery
(So, after La Fusteria's concert in Febr. 26ht Beni's life is in danger: BENI WILL BE KIDNAPPED! And Iago, to save him, will do what Radovan wants: to hand him Hector) Spoiler for March 4th (ep. 1741): "Una vegada més, en Joan ofereix ajuda a en Iago. Ja són massa cops, però el rescat d'en Beni és el primer i el noi accepta, tot i que haurà de córrer un gran perill."
Another time more, Joan offers help to Iago. There are too many times, but Beni's rescue is the first thing he matters and the kid accepts, despite he [who is "he", Iago or Joan?] would have a great danger.
(Iago must been following to wonder who is really this man!)
Post by carmelabcn on Feb 22, 2009 19:35:06 GMT -5
Spoiler for March 5th (ep. 1742): "Farem un descobriment inquietant sobre la trama d'en Radovan, l'Hector... i més gent"
We will do a worrying discovery about the plot of Radovan, Hector... and more people.
Spoiler for March 6th (ep. 1743): "I avui sabrem qui és de veritat en Joan"
And today we will know who is really Joan
(I think Joan/Abel is Iago's father but he has something to do with Radovan, and then we will know it)
Post by carmelabcn on Feb 25, 2009 12:16:01 GMT -5
We will see a lot of Iago the next days! And these two days will talk about feelings: to Beni, and perhaps to Max, because he's the first bond between Iago and Beni (and I want to see Max by Messenger!):
Spoiler for March 9th (ep. 1744): "En Beni té problemes per superar el que li ha tocat viure i ho fa pagar, evidentment, a en Iago"
Beni has problems for overcome what he had to live and, of course, does Iago to pay for.
Spoier for March 10th (ep. 1745): "A en Beni i en Iago, hi ha més coses que els uneixen que no pas que els separen"
There are more things that tie Beni and Iago than what separate them.
Post by carmelabcn on Feb 28, 2009 17:57:37 GMT -5
Post by carmelabcn on Mar 20, 2009 9:11:23 GMT -5
Spoilers about Iago nexts days (it's posible April 3 will be last day before Easter hollydays, and this episode would be almost all about Ros's death, Orpinell, blackmailer, Gerard, etc):
March 26, ep. 1757:
"A en Iago només li queda el consol d'en Gonzalo".
For Iago, it only remains Gonzalo's solace (because Beni is very busy with the contest)
March 27, ep. 1758.
"L'Ivan no entén l'Eli i decideix marxar a Colòmbia. Els amics de la noia voldrien fer-hi alguna cosa, però ella no es deixa ajudar gaire"
Ivan doesnt understand Eli and decides to come back to Colombia. The girl's friends [it's suposed, Iago among them] wanted to do something about it, but she doesnt let to be helped.
(Spoilers about Ivan and Eli say Ivan goes to Barcelona to see Eli, but she doesnt want to do anything with him. Because the Colombian girl that answered her phone call to him?)
April 1, ep. 1761:
"En Iago té un detall amb en Gonzalo".
Iago has a little gesture with Gonzalo or gives him some gift (all we are nervous about the meaning of this sentence!)
April 2, ep. 1762:
"Reapareix l'Abel i vol reconciliar-se amb en Iago"
Abel comes back and wants to make it up with Iago
Post by carmelabcn on Mar 27, 2009 12:26:07 GMT -5
April 2, ep. 1762
" Reapareix l'Abel i vol reconciliar-se amb en Iago."
Abel comes back and wants to make it up with Iago
April 6, Ep. 1764 (there isnt a break for Easter holidays; only friday 10 and monday 13)
Ros's funeral. Ivan will be with Eli.
(I supose Iago will go there. He could remember Berta's funeral, when Ivan will give suport to Eli, as Max did with him)
April 8, Ep. 1.766
"En Beni té un detall amb en Iago... i l'Abel."
Beni give some gift (or has some gesture) to Iago... and to Abel, (after his coming back from Madrid, where he went for the contest.)
April 9, Ep 1.765
"Cada cop es fa més evident que l'Abel n'hi farà alguna a en Iago"
It's more and more evident that Abel will do something to Iago
(And we go through all Easter holidays thinking what damn wants to do this wrecked dude with his poor son!)
Post by carmelabcn on Apr 6, 2009 7:31:14 GMT -5
[quote author=carmelabcn board=cor thread=165 post=50994 time=1238174767
April 6, Ep. 1764 (there isnt a break for Easter holidays; only friday 10 and monday 13)
Ros's funeral. Ivan will be with Eli.
(I supose Iago will go there. He could remember Berta's funeral, when Ivan will give suport to Eli, as Max did with him)
April 8, Ep. 1.766
"En Beni té un detall amb en Iago... i l'Abel."
Beni give some gift (or has some gesture) to Iago... and to Abel, (after his coming back from Madrid, where he went for the contest.)
April 9, Ep 1.765
"Cada cop es fa més evident que l'Abel n'hi farà alguna a en Iago"
It's more and more evident that Abel will do something to Iago
(And we go through all Easter holidays thinking what damn wants to do this wrecked dude with his poor son!)[/quote]
There is a break for Easter until April 14th (all about how did Joel know Ros's death by Orpinell), so El Cor spoilers for Iago are:
April 15th:
Ros's funeral. Ivan will be with Eli.
(I supose Iago will go there. He could remember Berta's funeral, when Ivan will give suport to Eli, as Max did with him)
April 16th:
"En Beni té un detall amb en Iago... i l'Abel."
Beni give some gift (or has some gesture) to Iago... and to Abel, (after his coming back from Madrid, where he went for the contest.)
April 17th:
"Cada cop es fa més evident que l'Abel n'hi farà alguna a en Iago"
It's more and more evident that Abel will do something to Iago
(And we go through all Easter holidays thinking what damn wants to do this dude with his poor son!
Post by carmelabcn on Apr 13, 2009 5:56:44 GMT -5
Spoiler for April 22, ep. 1770:
"L'Abel s'ho fa fenir bé perquè en Iago s'assabenti de la seva situació"
Abel manages Iago to realize his situation
Spoiler for Arpil 24, ep. 1772 "En Iago ha de decidir quà fa amb la informació que té sobre l'Abel"
Iago has to decide what does he do with the information he has about Abel
(All this episode talks about decisions people in the serie have to do. Gerard, his plans for getting Patricia and destroying Fidel and Orpinell)
Post by carmelabcn on May 8, 2009 7:56:49 GMT -5
Episode 1790, May 21:
"L'Abel comença a tenir un cert sentit de culpabilitat, però la seva dona és implacable."
Abel begins to feel some guilt, but his wife is implacable/relentless.
Post by carmelabcn on May 11, 2009 8:19:02 GMT -5
SPOILER FOR MAY 22 (EP. 1791)"Avui és el dia del transplantament de medul.la" Today is the day of the marrow transplantMAAAAAAAAAX?!?!?! Episode 1790, May 21: "L'Abel comença a tenir un cert sentit de culpabilitat, però la seva dona és implacable." Abel begins to feel some guilt, but his wife is implacable/relentless. Can it be that it is not his wife but his sister, a relation of Abel. That the transplant is for her and not for Abel. Or maybe they both need a transplant and the risk is even higher for Iago. Is this why Abel will feel guilty? Somehow Abel is deceiving Iago and a straight forward transplant isn't a deception. So what is Abel deceiving Iago about. I think another deception could be that Abel doesn't need a marrow transplant but perhaps a kidney transplant which would really put Iago's life and future in jepody. I see in the newspapers that there is a big problem for Spanish authorities over foreigners seeking kidney transplants. Meidocfan, we dont know anytihing true about Abel. I think we have to wait and see who is he really. It seems he begins to feel something for his son (nobody can be close to Iago without consequences!) but it's his wife who pushes him into all this stuff. Really, Iago didnt need all that about Radovan/Hector and the Christ to do the transplant. In Spain there is a saying (Eva remembered it in the official forum): "Piensa el ladrón que todos son de su condición" (A thief thinks everybody is like him). Abel deceived Iago from the first day they met, about his dead wife, about Berta, with all the story of Radovan/Hector, with the way he chose to get Iago's consent to be bone marrow donor. Iago goes to the transplant deceived. And this is the reason for Abel to feel guilt. I dont think Iago to be in danger for the reasons you say. It's only a bone marrow transplant for Abel. But allways can happen a surprise, a twist. About kidney donors, the crisis does some people to offer their kidneys to sell them, but the Spanish Transplant System doesnt let to operate with this kind of organs (it's forbidden), so this offer doesnt have sense. The social topic treated with his story is the bone marrow donation, who is easy, the operation is simple (but an operation!) and can save a life. In Spain, the Catalan tenor Josep Carreras, who had leukemia, promotes the bone marow donation thorough his foundation.
Post by carmelabcn on May 15, 2009 10:39:14 GMT -5
Next spoilers about Iago and Abel:
May 21, Ep. 1790
"L'Abel comença a tenir un cert sentit de culpabilitat, però la seva dona és implacable."
Abel begins to feel some guilt, but his wife is implacable/relentless
May 22, episode 1791:
"Avui és el dia del trasplantament de medul·la."
Today is the day of the marrow transplant.
May 25, episode 1792:
L'operació ha anat bé i en Iago vol explicar a en Max tot el que ha passat aquests dies, però mai no és senzill trobar-lo."
The operation went well and Iago wants to explain to Max everything happened these days, but finding him is never easy
May 27, Episode 1794:
"A la dona de l'Abel no li fan cap gràcia els sentiments del seu marit cap a en Iago."
Abel's wife dislikes the feelings of her husband towards Iago.
Post by carmelabcn on May 15, 2009 10:49:16 GMT -5
It seems it's important the differences between Abel and his wife (and maybe Iago will know all about Abel and Radovan for this reason: Abel's guilt or his wife's wish they werent closer).
For this reason, I will translate the first dialogue we saw between Abel and his wife. There is something in Abel's past that his wife dislikes very much. Maybe is Berta, and Iago, of course, makes them remember her.
Post by carmelabcn on May 17, 2009 5:30:21 GMT -5
Episode 1796, May 29: "En Gerard troba la manera d'aconseguir la gravació. Ara ja pot matar l'Orpinell. Se'n va a l'hospital i... La Lluna ha d'avortar avui, però ella i el Juli han pres una decisió. El Iago no suporta més l'allunyament d'en Max. I en Gonzalo sempre li ha fet costat...L'Eli aconseguiix per fí recordar una cosa important del dia de l'atropellament"
Gerard finds the way to get the recording. Now, he can kill Orpinell. He's going to the hospital and... Today LLuna is having an abortion, but she and Juli have made a decision. Iago doesnt bear the estrangement from Max any more. And Gonzalo always has supported him... Eli gets at the end to remember an important thing of the accident's day.
Post by carmelabcn on May 20, 2009 7:53:56 GMT -5
EPISODE 1797, JUNE 1:"A la Patrícia només li faltava la decisió que han pres en Juli i la Lluna. I ho paga en Fidel. En Iago i en Gonzalo tenen coses en què pensar...L'Eli vol col·laborar amb la policia, però en Marino continua sospitant d'en Fidel. En Gerard està decidit a resoldre el tema del xantatgista per poder acabar amb l'Orpinell. En Rafa i en Beni tenen seriosos problemes per "treballar" junts." All what Patricia needs is Alba and Juli's decision! And Fidel pays for it. Iago and Gonzalo have things to think about...Eli wants to cooperate with the police, but Marino continues suspecting about Fidel. Gerard is decided to solve the blackmailer's stuff for being able to finish with Orpinell. Rafa and Beni have serious problems to "work" together. OW! I only hope Iago to realize he's wrong. I still trust in Eli. MAAAAAX, WHERE ARE YOU? (another topic is the new Spanish law about abortion, but writers have to tell us how Lluna is pregnant if she and Juli did it allways with protection!)
Post by carmelabcn on May 22, 2009 2:00:27 GMT -5
Ep. 1799 (June 3)
"A en Iago ni li fa cap gràcia que s'escampi que ell i en Gonzalo s'han embolicat, però les coses encara es podn complicar mès... En Beni i en Rafa pete,m però en Forques els recorda les condicions per concursar"
Iago doesn't like at all to be spreaded trhat he and Gonzalo have been sexuallyu involved, but things can be still more complicated... Beni and Rafa break, but Forques remember them the contest's conditions.
EP. 1800, jUNE 4
"El que ha descuber en Beni fa que en Iago s'hagi de replantejar les coses"
What Beni has discovered does Iago to reconsider things
Post by carmelabcn on May 22, 2009 9:52:00 GMT -5
Dalia, I asked the same question in the official forum after these spoilers. Eva answered that yes, sure. It's what Bernat said in the Tvist interview, and what she thought after talking with Bernat in February (she suposed it's this season and not the next one!)
Bernatfan wrote days ago what would be the story following a clasic soap opera. And it seems, after being imposible to talk with Max (next monday) and being left anoter time by Abel (the third time in his life!), next friday Iago will have sex with Gonzalo. And after, it's posible Max will come back. BIG DRAMA!!! In yesterday's episode, Abel's wife had the fly tickets to come back to their home after the transplant. Abel seems to have some feelings for Iago (but we cant forget nor forgive what he did to Iago with the Radovan/Hector story!). But his wife is very persuasive, and I supose next week Iago will discover it and this is all what he needs!!! to be in Gonzalo's arms.
Junior Member
Max & Iago Forever
Posts: 387
Post by dalia on May 22, 2009 15:15:49 GMT -5
Thank you for your response... Ahhh~~ I can't say I am very pleased about this direction...but I suppose it was inevitable.